Accidental Interest* (AI) is a publication platform located at Bookstop, a former shipping container transformed into a book archive and exchange platform run by ABA at Haus der Statistik in Alexanderplatz, Berlin.

The container’s facade looks out over a busy intersection, where many people walk and drive along the wide sidewalks of the former GDR boulevard. As part of its concept, Bookstop experiments with formats for sharing and documenting research, texts, and printed matter. In collaboration with Accidental Interest Books, we will activate the facade of the container as a display engaging with casual visitors, pedestrians, and travelers.

Each week, one contributor’s Accidental Interest is displayed in a lightbox in the window of the container. These interests may include part of a research practice, an accidental creation, a meaningful snapshot, a short story, a drawing, or other forms of expression. The interests are also collected on this website and will culminate in a publication at the end of the season.

A collaboration between Air Berlin Alexanderplatz and Accidental Interest Books.

Accidental Interests have been on display since September 2024.